Friday, May 28, 2021

Using onomatopoeia


We were learning to use onomatopoeia, and we had to write a poem about fireworks using onomatopoeia, so then we can have more description in our writing. Onomatopoeia is when you are describing the sound of something, for example POP, BANG.

I found it easy to describe the sounds of fireworks because I have experienced with fireworks before , and it was easy for me to describe the sounds. 

I found it hard to think of my ideas quick, because I was focusing more on trying to add onomatopoeia then getting my poem finished.

 Next time I could use different onomatopoeia to make it more exciting, and so the sound paints a picture in the reader's head. Next time I could also think of my ideas more quicker, so that I can show Kaiwhakarite.

I was a thinker, because I used onomatopoeia in my writing, and I used it to describe the sounds of the fire works to add more description in my writing. Also to make my piece of writing level three.

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